Petit hôtel La Passe-Pierre 



Petit Hôtel La Passe-Pierre is a small hotel that feels like an inn. Managed by La Galouïne Inn & Restaurant, it is located at 242 Rue de l’Hôtel de Ville, just 150 paces from La Galouïne, where the reception and restaurant can be found and where breakfasts are served.

La Passe-Pierre features six furnished rooms with amenities (WiFi, satellite television and air-conditioner). Ideally situated in the heart of the charming village of Tadoussac, where everything is within walking distance: beach, whale-watching cruises, heritage sites, etc

Contact informations

242, rue de l'Hôtel-de-Ville, Tadoussac (Québec) G0T 2A0
Phone : 418-235-4380